July 10, 2012

New Addition to the Family

Well, I didn't get the big rock I wanted for my birthday/anniversary. Nope. We pulled into the garage after our 6-day, 1,600-mile romp through the high desert, and there he was, waiting in the garage for me: a 2012 Honda CBR250R!

My first single. My second bike. My third love.

Apparently I have a penchant for love at first sight - and my instincts haven't let me down yet. Numbers 1 and 2 are still in my life, and I think my new little love will be, too.

I've had him in for his first service (valves still nice and tight after 962 miles), I've buzzed around town, hit a few back roads, and zipped down I65 to Louisville and back in one afternoon. So far, he seems to do it all, although I am going to have to get used to lower revs, easier parking, a reachable rev limiter, and more men stopping me to talk.

But I think I can live with all of that. Besides, rocks are overrated.