November 18, 2013

Reality Check

I got out late, inundated with spreadsheets, taxes, lofty ideas and goals. Things I wanted to accomplish. Things I had to accomplish.

At a gas stop 30 miles in, I had a headache in my eyeballs. I considered heading back home, but decided to drink a coke instead. And take my time. Stop when I want. I'd nap at Roosevelt Lake if I felt like it.

I wore my winter suit with no heated jacket. Would I get cold? Possibly, but I took comfort knowing I'd warm up when I got to Phoenix. You always warm up when you get to Phoenix.

Monday is a good day to ride the fun places. Time the city part right, and when you get out of town you're treated to empty roads. And (hopefully) no po-lice.

The Roosevelt Lake Information Center was quiet. Me and two cars. I've never been there before, but I can imagine the crowds on a weekend and during the "tourist season". I shared the parking lot with one car with Michigan plates, said 'hi' to his dog and went to the observation deck in the back.

My ears were buzzing from the ride. Even with earplugs, there's a buzz. I walked through the building and outside to stunning silence. It took me off guard. I had places I had to be, things I had to do, timelines I had to keep. They screeched to halt. Faster than my Nissen's ever could. 

I needed it badly. I was pushing through the morning like something else I had to accomplish. Check off my list. House key, check. Extra gloves, check. Garage opener, check. Water with a fresh lemon from the yard next door, check.

I don't know when I've experienced such an abrupt return to reality. 

I took the next few hours on the ride home to be in the moment. I felt the change in temperature. Wound it up to blue lights when I had the chance. Laughed at the gnat in my helmet. Smudged the bug on my face screen. Wondered if I'd make it on gas to Fountain Hills (I did take a moment to calculate that, figured it was worth considering. But I also allowed myself an extra 20 miles with the fuel light on.)

Even stopped for a pee on the side of the road and had to pull up quick when Rambo emerged from the open field shooting gallery.

The day was gorgeous, the weather perfect, the traffic sparse. Was it the perfect ride? No. Is it the perfect life? No. But I'll take the tough days for what they are, and enjoy them, too. It's all part of the journey.

ps. I entered the 202 at 5:15. Prime time, rush-hour traffic. WTF. I'm on a Street Triple. With access to the HOV lane. Time I start taking advantage of it. The 202W to the 10W to the 51N. Outa my way. Phoenix is real traffic when you hit the 51N, but with patience, alertness and a smidge of aggression, it's a piece of cake.

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