May 5, 2014

New Tires!

So Michelin doesn't make the Scorpion any more and I've gone through two sets. So what's a girl to do? I get used to a certain ride and feel, and I've loved my Michelins ever since I got my first set on my old Triumph Spitfire. I like to stick with what works, and my Scorions have kept me on two wheels for a few years now.

I had no choice, though. Tires, like running shoes, disintegrate while hanging out in a warehouse, and I wouldn't trust any of my body parts to old rubber!

There's a lot of info to be had on tires, and finding something new is no easy task. Fortunately I've got a sidekick who likes nothing (and I mean nothing) better than to surf the internet "researching" various motorcycle pieces, parts, get the idea.

So sidekick picked out the new Michelin Road Pilot 4, and my fav peeps at Go Az put them on. I feel like a princess when I go to Go Az, and for any girl looking for a little ego boost, just wheel up to the dealership on your Street Triple and talk bikes with the fellas. You'll get a boost alright.

Anyway...back to my tires. I didn't get to use them much. My day reserved for riding turned out windy and rainy. And I didn't want to get my bike dirty (or ride in the rain before they'd been properly scrubbed). But they'll be there waiting for me and a summer of fun!

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