April 7, 2012


And it feels so good.

He'd been waiting for me under the cover. Still. Quiet. Patient.

The usual preparation went into the reunion. I chose leather. it was warm, but my leather feels so good. Sturdy. Substantial. Like I'm in control. Ready for whatever might come my way. I could have chosen something lighter with mesh, but leather just felt right.

I assembled the necessities. Liquid. Protection. Just the bare necessities, though, because you really don't need much. But one must be somewhat prepared.

As the time grew closer to start, there was the usual hesitation. Just a teeny, tiny small...doubt isn't the right word, because he's never let me down. But supposedly there is a first time for everything, and I didn't want to be disappointed. So I allowed myself just the small possibility that I'd be met with a good effort, a push, a pull, a crank, but no fire.

Ah, but he was there for me. Fired up. Ready. I couldn't remember what we'd done when we were last together, but a quick scan of his face told me that everything was in order and we'd be good to go until we were ready to take a break.

As I slid my leg over and climbed on top, I was met with the sweet feeling of familiarity. That's right, familiarity. Way underrated. There's comfort to be found in a certain amount of familiarity, knowing how everything fits, how it's supposed to feel. But I always know that the final experience will bring a few surprises, which just makes the familiar that much sweeter.

We got to know each other again for a while. Familiar, yes, but predictable, no, so it's a good idea to to play around a little bit with the controls, move around a bit, get everything just right. Once I got settled in I was reminded of the delight and pleasure I always feel when we're together, and the longer we went the better everything felt.

When it was all done, today was another amazing experience. For me, anyway. I hope it was just as good for him. No wild stories to tell, no near misses. Just the unbridled delight I feel every time we're together.

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